Sushi Rice Bowl

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When people ask me what I miss most about Canada, I often give the token answers of my family and friends. However, there is one thing that I miss a lot (possibly the most?) and that is good Asian food. Vancouver, being famous for being multicultural, is abundant with amazing Asian food. It’s cheap, healthy (enough), and tasty!

Once I moved to Scandinavia, I began my quest to find good Asian food. At home, I would find everything from Japanese to Korean to Vietnamese. Here my search was simple. Find any type of good Asian food. I have had some luck with some types of cuisine (thank goodness, pho is available here!), but I often have to fix my cravings while I am home during the summer.

Last February I was in New York with Daniel’s family celebrating his dad’s 60th birthday. I ate at rice bowl at Gotham West Market and it was a game changer for me. Finally, I could bring a little taste of Japan home with me to Sweden. Believe me, Japanese food is high on my priority list when I’m back in Vancouver. Now, this has become a staple and our diet. I am not a big fish eater (which is negative when you have lived near the ocean your entire life), but if you give me some raw salmon, I’m game! One great thing about groceries stores in Sweden is the quality of the fresh produces. This sushi rice bowl is delicious, easy to prepare, and can easily leave leftovers for work the next day. 


  • 360 grams sashimi-grade salmon loin (at ICA Maxi you can find SALMA 360)
  • 250-500 grams sushi rice (for 3 meals, I use 250 grams, but for 5 meals, I use 500 grams which often ends up being too much rice!)
  • sugar
  • rice vinegar
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 2 carrots
  • edamame beans
  • sriracha sauce
  • mayonnaise
  • sesame seeds
  • soya sauce

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  1. Follow the instructions on the sushi rice package and prepare the rice. When it is ready, I often fill the sink up with some cold water and place the pot in there so the rice can cool down quickly to room temperature. While the rice is cooking and cooling you can prepare everything below!
  2. Mix around 1 part sriracha sauce to 3 parts mayonnaise. The sauce should be a light orange colour. Taste it to make sure it does not have too much of a “mayonnaise” taste. I always squeeze in a bit of lime of extra zest. Leave it in the fridge until everything is ready.
  3. Heat up a dry frying pan over medium heat. Add a few tablespoons of sesame seeds and leave on heat until toasted.
  4. Slice up the carrots, cucumber, red bell pepper, and avocados so they are in nice short strips that will nice on your place and easy to eat.
  5. If you buy frozen edamame beans, like me, defrost them in the microwave and then add some sea salt to bring out the flavour.
  6. Finally, cut up the fish into small slices. I like to remove the purplish part on the loin since I think it tastes too fishy.
  7. Put everything together! Lay out the rice first, then veggies, add some soya sauce, add the salmon, then some yummy sriracha mayonnaise, and finally the sesame seeds. Happy eating!




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