How to Afford to Travel


Most people that travel have developed a life passion for it. Once you catch the “travel bug”, it is hard to not spend your free time thinking about your next vacation destination. There is one glaring disadvantage when one decided to travel as much as possible, and that is the fact that it is hard on the bank account. Travelling is expensive. Even if someone is a budget traveller, it is still expensive to purchase flights and hostels. Some people grew up taking many family trips around the globe, but I did not experience this luxury as a child. It could possibly be why I enjoy intercontinental travel so much. However, it is possible to travel or live abroad (especially if you are young!) without going extremely in debt. So, here are some ideas on how you can also afford this luxury.

1. Be a Teacher

This was a huge factor why I chose to be a teacher. Of course, it is important that you also have a passion to educate others. However, being a teacher in Canada is really worth it since you get 12 weeks of vacation every year. Many other jobs offer only 2-4 weeks of vacation so it is rare to find a job with so much opportunity to take holidays. Although, you are working a lot throughout the year so it is harder to take vacations in the off-season. Also, when you are travelling, so is everyone else, so you often are visiting countries during their high season. Being a teacher in Sweden is less enticing since Swedes get so many vacation days already. More on that later!


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