Banda Islands Featured Image

Our 1-Week Exploration of the Banda Islands

After our stay in the Kei Islands, we spent 1 night in Ambon before leaving again to our next destinations, the Spice Islands aka Banda Islands. I do love that each group of islands we visit has their own nickname.

Related Blog Post: Read the ultimate guide to travelling in the Kei Islands here!

Although the Banda Islands are more touristy than the Kei Islands, it is NOTHING like Bali. You will meet very genuine tourists here. I also felt like we discovered more of the Maluku culture while visiting the Banda Islands compared to Kei Kecil.

Not a bad view to wake up to every morning

The Banda Islands are also known as the Spice Islands and were very important to colonizing Europeans in the 17th century since this where many popular spices originated. Nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, and white pepper (to name a few!) originate from the Banda Islands. I love spices and I read great things online about the Banda Islands, so why not visit them for myself?

Before I delve into a lot of details, I want to make it very clear why you should visit the Banda Islands: you will experience the best snorkelling in your life. I had no idea that snorkelling could be this good. If you have snorkelled in Thailand or Croatia, forget about it! That’s just shit. Imagine swimming out only 1-metre to an infinite drop off surrounded by (not exaggerating) thousands of fish. You can see a green turtle on every snorkel and can also dive with hammerhead sharks. What the heck are you waiting for? Book a plane and visit the Banda Islands before it is too late!

Feel free to click on the anchor links above to skip to your favourite part! Make sure you read our itinerary since it involves island hopping and climbing a volcano!

Hatta Island
Seriously, we were surrounded by 1000s of fish at every turn in the water

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