As always, I am extremely behind on my blogging. We left Laos 3 weeks ago and our time in New Zealand has gone by way too quickly. Since we were only in New Zealand for 3 weeks, our itinerary ended up being pretty packed. New Zealand really stunned me with its awesome views, so I decided to break this into multiple posts or else it will end up as a turbo load of information.
We arrived at Auckland International Airport on December 12th and spent the first night getting over jetlag, since it is quite a time difference between Laos and New Zealand. Luckily, we slept quite well on the plane, so once we had a well-needed sleep the first night here, we had no problem starting our adventure here out on the right foot. Our 3-day road trip in the Coromandel started from Auckland and on our last night we made our way out to Te Aroha, so we could visit the Hobbiton Movie Set the next day.

What is the Coromandel
The Coromandel is a peninsula that is located about 2 hours from Auckland. It is well known for its hiking trails and good beaches. Some of New Zealand’s coolest natural wonders are found here!